Scientific Publications by Category

These publications are provided both in a single, serially-ordered list and are also grouped into the categories shown in the index below. You may click on one of the categories to move to its listing of papers. Some papers appear in more than one category. The papers themselves are in serial order by date of publication within each category. Access a new detailed Guide to JRM’s electrochemically oriented publications. The symbol (A) indicated an abstract only and (L) indicates a letter rather than a full paper. For multiple authorship, first authors other than JRM are marked like this. There is also a temporally ordered and numbered serial listing of papers, which contains links to pdf versions of virtually all of the papers. These downloadable papers are only for use by individuals for their own private study or research.




Complex nonlinear least squares (CNLS)

  1. “Analysis of Impedance and Admittance Data for Solids and Liquids,” (with J.A. Garber), J. Electrochem. Soc. 124, 1022-1030, July (1977).
  2. “The Applicability and Power of Complex Nonlinear Least Squares for the Analysis of Impedance and Admittance Data,” (with J. Schoonman and A.P. Lehnen), J. Electroanal. Chem. 131, 77-95, 10 January (1982).
  3. “A Flexible Procedure for Analyzing Impedance Spectroscopy Results: Description and Illustrations,” (with Larry D. Potter, Jr.), Solid State Ionics 24, 61-79, June (1987).
  4. “Impedance Spectroscopy: Old Problems and New Developments,” Electrochim. Acta 35, 1483-1492, October (1990).
  5. “Precision of Impedance Spectroscopy Estimates of Bulk, Reaction Rate, and Diffusion Parameters,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 307, 1-11, September (1991).
  6. “Comparison and Application of Two Methods for the Least Squares Analysis of Immittance Data,” Solid State Ionics 58, 97-107, November (1992)



  1. “Accelerated Convergence, Divergence, Iteration, Extrapolation and Curve Fitting,” J. Appl. Phys. 35, 3034-304l, October (1964).
  2. “A Rapidly Convergent Iterative Method for the Solution of the Generalised Nonlinear Least Squares Problem,” (with D.R. Powell), Computer J. 15, 148-155, May (1972); 16, 51 (correction), February (1973).
  3. “Fitting Experimental Data,” J. Comp. Phys. 11, 620(L), April (1973).
  4. “A Note on Generalized Nonlinear Least-Squares Data Fitting,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 121, 203(L), 1 October (1974).
  5. “Comment on ‘Simple Method for Fitting Data when Both Variables Have Uncertainties,'” Am. J. Phys. 43, 372-374(L), April (1975).
  6. “Comments on ‘Fitting Data to Nonlinear Functions with Uncertainties in all Measurement Variables,'” (with D.R. Powell), Computer J. 10, 285-286(L), August (1977).
  7. “Correcting Parameter Bias Caused by Taking Logs of Exponential Data,” (with W.J. Thompson,), Am. J. Phys. 59, 854-856, September (1991).
  8. “Strongly Heteroscedastic Nonlinear Regression,” (with W.J. Thompson), Commun. in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 20, 843-886, December (1991).
  9. “Least Squares Fitting when Both Variables Contain Errors: Pitfalls and Possibilities” (with W.J. Thompson), Am. J. Phys. 60, 66-73, January (1992).
  10. “Discrete and Integral Fourier Transforms: Analytical Examples”, (with W.J. Thompson), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 6904-6908, August (1993).
  11. “Alternatives to Kronig-Kramers Transformation and Testing, and Estimation of Distributions,” (with B.A. Boukamp), Solid State Ionics 74, 85-101, December (1994).
  12. “On the transformation of colored random noise by the Kronig-Kramers integral transforms,” (with V.I. Piterbarg), J. Electroanal. Chem. 428, 1-9, 15 May (1997).
  13. “Paley-Wiener criterion for relaxation functions,” J. Appl. Phys. 82, 1476-1478, 1 August (1997).
  14. Comparison of parametric and nonparametric methods for the analysis and inversion of immittance data: critique of earlier work,” J. Comput. Phys. 157, 280-301, January 1 (2000).



  1. “Polarization Capacitance Effects in Photoconductors and Semiconductors,” Phys. Rev. 90, 364(A), April 15 (1953). Experimental.
  2. “A New Model for the Debye Dispersion Equations,” Phys. Rev. 91, 412(L), July 15 (1953). Theoretical.
  3. “Capacitance and Conductance Effects in Photoconducting Alkali Halide Crystals,” J. Chem. Phys. 23, 275-295, February (1955). Experimental.
  4. “Double Layer Capacitance and Relaxation in Electrolytes and Solids,” Trans. Faraday Soc. 66, 943-958, April (1970).
  5. “Electrode Polarization of Ionic Conductors,” J. Appl. Phys. 44, 3455-3458, August (1973).
  6. “Some Electrode Charge-Transfer Effects in Solid Ionic Materials,” J. Appl. Phys. 45, 2343-2345(L), May (1974).
  7. “Some AC Response Results for Solids with Recombining Space Charge,” J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 7, L327-L331, 7 September (1974); 8, L63 (correction), 21 February (1975).
  8. “One-Dimensional Current Transport Equations,” J. Appl. Phys. 46, 4602-4603(L), October (1975).
  9. “Space Charge Polarisation,” chapter in Electrode Processes in Solid State Ionics, M. Kleitz and J. Dupuy, Editors; D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht-Holland, 1976; pp. 149-180.
  10. “Some Aspects of Polarization in Ionic Crystals with Electrode Reactions,” (with P.W.M. Jacobs), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 37, 1117-1123, December (1976).
  11. “Electrical Response of Materials with Recombining Space Charge,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and R. Meaudre), J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 10, 1459-1471, 14 May (1977).
  12. “Small-Signal A-C Response Theory for Electrochromic Thin Films,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electrochem. Soc. 129, 1754-1756, August (1982).
  13. “Distributed Circuit Elements for Small-Signal AC Frequency Response,” (with R.L. Hurt), Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Memphis, TN, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 1491A, October (1984).
  14. “Ambiquity in Models of Small-Signal Response of Dielectric and Conducting Systems and a New Umbrella Model,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 30, 587(A), March (1985).
  15. “New Aspects of Some Small-Signal ac Frequency Response Functions,” Solid State Ionics 15, 159-161, March (1985).
  16. “Some Small-Signal Relaxation Response Models and their Limiting Responses,” Solid State Ionics 25, 271-285, December (1987).
  17. “Analysis of AC Conduction in Disordered Solids,” J. Appl. Phys. 65, 4845-4853, 15 June (1989).
  18. “AC Complex Conductivity in NaCl: No New Universality,” J. Appl. Phys. 75, 1059-1069, 15 January (1994).
  19. “AC Conduction in Disordered Solids: Comparison of Effective-Medium and Distributed-Transition-Rate-Response Models”, Phys. Rev. B 49, 9428-9440, 1 April 1994-II.
  20. “‘Constant-Loss’ Relaxation Response in Crystals and Glasses,” Appl. Phys. A59, 181-188, August (1994).
  21. “Power-law Exponents and Hidden Bulk Relaxation in the Impedance Spectroscopy of Solids,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 378, 17-29, 21 November (1994). The word “relation” in the printed title of this paper should be “relaxation.”
  22. “Analysis of dispersed, conducting-system frequency-response data, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 197, 83-110, May (1996). Erratum: 204, 309 (1996). In Eq. (A2), GD should be GCD.
  23. “Possible universalities in the AC frequency response of dispersed, disordered materials,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 210, 70-86, 11 February (1997).
  24. “Accurate fitting of immittance spectroscopy frequency-response data using the stretched exponential model,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 212, 95-116, 1 June (1997). The symbol “sigma” should be removed from the right end of Eq. (12).



  1. “The Impedance of a Galvanic Cell with Two Plane-Parallel Electrodes at a Short Distance,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 32, 317-328, October (197l).
  2. “Simplified Impedance/Frequency-Response Results for Intrinsically Conducting Solids and Liquids,” J. Chem. Phys. 61, 3977-3996, 15 November (1974).
  3. “Interpretation of AC Impedance Measurements in Solids,” chapter in Superionic Conductors, G.D. Mahan and W.L. Roth, Editors; Plenum Press, New York, 1976; pp. 8l-97.
  4. “A Method for Estimating Impedance Parameters for Electrochemical Systems that Exhibit Pseudoinductance,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electrochem. Soc. 126, 1082(L), June (1979).
  5. “Three Dimensional Perspective Plotting and Fitting of Immittance Data,” (with J. Schoonman and A.P. Lehnen), Solid State Ionics 5, 137-140, October (1981). Also published in Fast Ionic Transport in Solids, Gatlinburg, TN., 18-22 May 1981; J.B. Bates and G.C. Farrington, Editors, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1981.
  6. “A New Analysis and Interpretation of Low-Temperature Impedance Data for Na beta-Alumina,” (with G.B. Cook), 50th Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Columbia, S. C., 5 November 1983; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 140(A), November (1983).
  7. “Note on the Parameterization of the Constant-Phase Admittance Element,” Solid State Ionics 13, 147-149, May (1984).
  8. “Analysis of Impedance Data for Single Crystal Na beta-Alumina at Low Temperatures,” (with G.B. Cook), J. Electroanal. Chem. 168, 335-354 (1984). Presented at the Sixth Australian Electrochemistry Conference, Geelong, February (1984).
  9. “Generalizations of ‘Universal Dielectric Response’ and a General Distribution-of-Activation-Energies Model for Dielectric and Conductive Systems,” J. Appl. Phys. 58, 1971-1978, 1 September (1985).
  10. “Reply to Comments by Almond and West on Na beta-Alumina Immittance Data Analysis,” (with G.B. Cook), J. Electroanal. Chem. 193, 57-74, 1 October (1985).
  11. “Analysis of Dielectric or Conductive System Frequency Response Data Using the Williams-Watts Function,” (with R. L. Hurt), J. Chem. Phys. 84, 496-502, 1 January (1986).
  12. “Some Simple Equivalent Circuits for Ionic Conductors,” (with R. L. Hurt), J. Electroanal. Chem. 200, 69-82, 25 March (1986).
  13. “Distributed Circuit Elements in Impedance Spectroscopy: A Unified Treatment of Conductive and Dielectric Systems,” (with R. L. Hurt), Solid State Ionics 20, 111-124, April (1986).
  14. “Impedance Spectroscopy and its Use in Analyzing the Steady-State AC Response of Solid and Liquid Electrolytes,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 223, 25-50, 25 May (1987).
  15. Impedance Spectroscopy – Emphasizing Solid Materials and Systems, edited by J. R. Macdonald, who is also a contributor (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987).
  16. “Impedance Spectroscopy and the Double Layer in Solids and Liquids,” Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conferences on Chemical Research, XXX. Advances in Electrochemistry. 3-5 November (1986), pp. 7-87. An earlier, combined version of numbers 176 and 177 in the serial listing.
  17. “Impedance Spectroscopy: Old Problems and New Developments,” Electrochim. Acta 35, 1483-1492, October (1990).
  18. “Impedance Spectroscopy,” in 1991 Yearbook of Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, R.A. Meyers, Editor, Academic Press, San Diego, CA (1991), pp. 279-291. Republished with additions in Ann. of Biomed. Eng. 20, 289-305 (1992).
  19. “Interpretation of Finite-Length-Warburg-Type Impedances in Supported and Unsupported Electrochemical Cells with Kinetically Reversible Electrodes,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and R.P. Buck), J. Electrochem. Soc. 138, 1368-1371, May (1991).
  20. “Impedance/Admittance Response of A Binary Electrolyte,” Electrochim. Acta 37, 1007-1014, May (1992)
  21. “Some New Directions in Impedance Spectroscopy Data Analysis,” Electrochim. Acta 38, 1883-1890, October (1993).
  22. “Power-law Exponents and Hidden Bulk Relaxation in the Impedance Spectroscopy of Solids,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 378, 17-29, 21 November (1994). The word “relation” in the printed title of this paper should be “relaxation.”
  23. “Analysis of Immittance Spectroscopy Data: Model Comparisons,Universality?, and Estimation of Distributions of Activation Energies,” in Electrically Based Microstructural Characterization, Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 411, Fall Meeting 1995, Boston, MA (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1996), pp. 71-83.
  24. “Accurate fitting of immittance spectroscopy frequency-response data using the stretched exponential model,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 212, 95-116, 1 June (1997). The symbol “sigma” should be removed from the right end of Eq. (12).
  25. “Limiting electrical response of conductive and dielectric systems, stretched-exponential behavior, and discrimination between fitting models,” J. Appl. Phys. 82, 3962-3971, 15 October (1997).
  26. “The Ngai coupling model of relaxation: generalizations, alternatives, and their use in the analysis of non-Arrhenius conductivity in glassy, fast-ionic materials,” J. Appl. Phys. 84, 812-827, 15 July (1998).
  27. “Dispersed electrical-relaxation response: discrimination between conductive and dielectric processes,” Braz. J. of Phys. 29, 332-346, June (1999).
  28. “Critical examination of the mismatch-and-relaxation frequency-response model for dispersive materials,” Solid State Ionics 124, 1-19, September 1 (1999).
  29. “Comparison of parametric and nonparametric methods for the analysis and inversion of immittance data: critique of earlier work,” J. Comput. Phys. 157, 280-301, January 1 (2000).
  30. “Comparison of the universal dynamic response power-law fitting model for conducting systems with superior alternative models,” Solid State Ionics 133, 79-97, August 1 (2000).
  31. “On relaxation-spectrum estimation for decades of data: accuracy and sampling-localization considerations,” Inverse Problems 16, 1561-1583, October (2000).
  32. “Conductivity of disordered solids: Resolution of discrepancies between micro- and macro-response models,” Phys. Rev. B 63, 205-208, 1 February (2001); 052205.
  33. “Scaling and modeling in the analysis of dispersive relaxation of ionic materials,” J. Appl. Phys. 90, 153-161, July 1 (2001).
  34. “Nearly constant loss or constant loss in ionically conducting glasses: A physically realizable approach,” J. Chem. Phys. 115, 6192-6199, October 1 (2001).
  35. “New model for nearly constant dielectric loss in conductive systems: Temperature and concentration dependencies,” J. Chem. Phys. 116, 3401-3409, February 22 (2002).
  36. “Discrimination between series and parallel fitting models for nearly constant loss effects in dispersive ionic conductors,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 307-310, 913-920 (2002).
  37. “Some alternate models for nearly constant loss in conductive systems,” Phys. Rev. B 66, 064305 (2002).
  38. “Resolution of conflicting views concerning frequency-response models for conducting materials with dispersive relaxation, and isomorphism of macroscopic and microscopic models,” Solid State Ionics 150, 263-279 (2002).
  39. “Comparison and evaluation of several models for fitting the frequency response of dispersive systems,” J. Chem. Phys. 118, 3258-3267, February 15 (2003).
  40. “Effective-medium model for nearly constant loss in ionic conductors,” J. Appl. Phys. 94, 558-565, July 1 (2003).
  41. “On two incompatible models for dispersion in ionic conductors, ” J. Appl. Phys. 95, 1849-1853, February 15 (2004).
  42. “Topological derivation of shape exponents for stretched exponential relaxation,” (with J. C. Phillips), J. Chem. Phys. 122, 074510-1-8, February 15 (2005).
  43. “Characterization of the Electrical Response of High Resistivity Ionic and Dielectric Solid Materials by Immittance Spectroscopy, in Impedance Spectroscopy – Theory, Experiment, and Applications, Second Edition, edited by E. Barsoukov and J. R. Macdonald (John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2005), pp. 264-282.
  44. “Universality, the Barton Nakajima Namikawa relation, and scaling for dispersive ionic materials,” Phys. Rev. B 71, 184307, 27 May (2005)
  45. “Analysis of conducting-system frequency response data for an interfacial amorphous phase of copper-core oxide-shell nanocomposites,”  (with S. Basu and D. Chakravorty), J. Chem. Phys. 122, 214703-1-5, 1 June (2005).  Also published in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Vol. 11, issue 23, 13 June (2005).
  46. “Analysis of dispersed frequency response for ionic glasses: influence of electrode and nearly constant loss effects,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 4369-4382, 13 July (2005).
  47. “Impedance spectroscopy: Models, data fitting, and analysis,” Solid State Ionics 176, 1961-1969, 15 August (2005).
  48. “Surprising conductive- and dielectric-system dispersion differences and similarities for two Kohlrausch-related relaxation-time-distributions,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 629-644, 18 January (2006).  The word “imaginary” on the third line of p. 643 should be replaced by “real.”
  49. “ac conductivity analysis for a metal core-silver orthosilicate shell nanostructure,” (with B. Ghosh, D. Chakravorty, and G. C.Das), J. Appl. Phys. 99, 064307-1-4, 15 March (2006).
  50. “Comparison of methods for estimating continuous distributions of relaxation times,” (with E. Tuncer), J. Appl. Phys. 99, 074106-1-4, 1 April (2006).
  51. “Conductivity relaxation in the interfacial phase of iron core-iron oxide shell nanocomposites,” (with S. Basu and D. Chakravorty), J. Mater. Res. 21, 1704-1711,   July (2006).
  52. “Slopes, nearly constant loss, universality, and hopping rates for dispersive ionic conduction.” (with M. M. Ahmad), J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19, 046215 (2007).
  53. “Deconvolution of immittance data: Some old and new methods,” (with E. Tuncer), J. Electroanal. Chem. 602, 255-262, 15 April (2007).
  54. “Dynamics of Mobile Ions: Fitting of CKN Frequency Response Data without an excess Wing,” J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 7064-7072, 28 June (2007).
  55. “Analysis of Dielectric and Conductive Dispersion above Tg in Glass-Forming Molecular Liquids,” J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 13684, 6 November (2008).
  56. “Dispersive dielectric and conductive effects in 2D resistor-capacitor networks,” (with R. F. Hamou and E. Tuncer), J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 025904, 14 January (2009).
  57. “Comments on the electric modulus formalism model and superior alternatives to it for the analysis of the frequency response of ionic conductors,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 70, 546-554, March (2009).
  58. “Comparison of some random-barrier, continuous-time random-walk, and other models for the analysis of wide-range frequency response of ion-conducting materials,” J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 9175-9182, 9 July (2009).

  59. Comparison of Impedance Spectroscopy Expressions and Responses of Alternate Anomalous Poisson-Nernst-Planck Diffusion Equations for Finite-Length Situations,” (with L. R. Evangelista, E. K. Lenzi, and G. Barbero), J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 7648-7655, 21 April (2011).
  60. “Effects of various boundary conditions on the response of Poisson-Nernst-Planck impedance spectroscopy analysis models and comparison with a continuous-time random-walk model,” J. Phys. Chem. A , 115, 13370-13380, 16 September (2011).
  61. “Anomalous diffusion and memory effects on the impedance spectroscopy for finite-length situations,” (with L. R. Evangelista, E. K. Lenzi, and G. Barbero), J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 485005, 15 November (2011).
  62. “Three to six ambiguities in immittance spectroscopy data fitting,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24, 175004, 5 April (2012).
  63. “Impedance Spectroscopy of Dielectrics and Electronic Conductors,” (with N. Bonanos and P. Pissis), in Characterization of Materials, Second Edition, E.N. Kaufmann, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
  64. “Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” (with Y. Barsoukov), in Characterization of Materials, Second Edition, E.N. Kaufmann, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
  65. “On the equivalence between specific adsorption and kinetic equation descriptions of the admittance response in electrolytic cells,” (with L. R. Evangelista, E. K. Lenzi, and G. Barbero, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 114702-1-5, 15 March (2013).
  66. “Utility and importance of Poisson-Nernst-Planck Immittance-Spectroscopy Fitting Models,” J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 23433-23450, 23 September (2013).
  67. “Comparison of immittance spectroscopy analyses of ultra-pure and ‘pure’ water in the lower frequency range,” Electrochimica Acta 123, 535-541 (2014).
  68. “Poisson–Nernst–Planck model with Chang-Jaffe, diffusion, and ohmic boundary conditions,” (with I. Lelidis and G. Barbero), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49 025503 (11 pages) (2016).
  69. “Reanalysis of the electrode polarization in electrolytic cells limited by blocking electrodes,”  (with G. Barbero, Physical Review E 94, 042608-042612, (2016).



  1. “Photocontrolled Low Frequency Dielectric Dispersion,” Phys. Rev. 85, 381(L) , January 15 (1952). Experimental.
  2. “Dielectric Dispersion In Materials Having a Distribution of Relaxation Times,” J. Chem. Phys. 20, 1107-1111, July (1952). Theoretical.
  3. “Electret-Like Behavior in Polarized Ceramic BaTi03, ” (with R.W. Thickens), Phys. Rev. 90, 375(A), April 15 (1953). Experimental.
  4. “A New Model for the Debye Dispersion Equations,” Phys. Rev. 91, 412(L), July 15 (1953). Theoretical.
  5. “Semi-Empirical Expression for the Dielectric Constant of Polar, Polarisable Liquids,” (with S.W. Kenkel), J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 16, L195-L198, 14 October (1983).
  6. “Exact and Approximate Nonlinear Least Squares Inversion of Dielectric Relaxation Spectra,” J. Chem. Phys. 102, 6241-6250, 15 April (1995).
  7. “Limiting electrical response of conductive and dielectric systems, stretched-exponential behavior, and discrimination between fitting models,” J. Appl. Phys. 82, 3962-3971, 15 October (1997).
  8. “Dispersed electrical-relaxation response: discrimination between conductive and dielectric processes,” Braz. J. of Phys. 29, 332-346, June (1999).
  9. “Effective-medium model for nearly constant loss in ionic conductors,” J. Appl. Phys. 94, 558-565, July 1 (2003).


Double layer, adsorption

  1. “Static Space-Charge Effects in the Diffuse Double Layer,” J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1317-1322, August (1954). Theoretical.
  2. “Theory of the Differential Capacitance of the Double Layer in Unadsorbed Electrolytes,” J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1854-1866, November (1954). Theoretical.
  3. “Double Layer Structure and Behavior,” Abstracts of papers presented at the 138th meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, N. Y., 14 September 1960, p. 14-I.
  4. “Theory of Double Layer Differential Capacitance in Electrolytes,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Chem. Phys. 36, 3062-3080, June 1 (1962).
  5. “Work Function Change on Monolayer Adsorption,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Chem. Phys. 39, 412- 422, July 15 (1963); 40, 237 (printing correction), January 1 (1964).
  6. “Discreteness-of-Charge Adsorption Micropotentials. I. Infinite Imaging,” (with C.A Barlow, Jr.), J. Chem. Phys. 40, l535-l549, March 15 (1964).
  7. “Electric Monopole and Dipole Discreteness Effects in Adsorption,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Phys. Chem. 68, 2737-2740, October 15 (1964).
  8. “Equilibrium Double Layer Theory,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), Chapter in Electrochemistry, Proc. of First Australian Conf. on Electrochemistry, Sydney, Australia, 15 February 1963; A. Friend and F. Gutmann, Editors; Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965; pp. 199-247.
  9. “Discreteness-of-Charge Adsorption Micropotentials. II. Single Imaging,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2575-2597, October 15 (1965).
  10. “Thermal Stability of an Adsorbed Array of Charges in the Einstein Approximation,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), Can. J. Chem. 43, 2985-2995, November (1965).
  11. “Theory of Work-Function Change on Adsorption of Polarizable Ions,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Chem. Phys. 44, 202-206, January 1 (1966).
  12. “A Simple Method for Ionic and Molecular Adsorption Electrical Calculations,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), Surf. Sci. 4, 381-395, July-August (1966).
  13. “Penetration Parameter for an Adsorbed Layer of Polarizable Ions,” (with C. A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Appl. Phys. 37, 3471-3482, August (1966).
  14. “Discreteness-of-Charge Micropotentials. III. Dielectric-Conductive Imaging,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), J. Electrochem. Soc. 113, 978-992, October (1966).
  15. “Theory of Discreteness of Charge Effects in the Electrolyte Compact Double Layer,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.). Chapter I of Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Vol. VI; P. Delahay, Editor; Interscience Publishers, August 1967; pp. 1-199.
  16. “Double Layer Capacitance and Relaxation in Electrolytes and Solids,” Trans. Faraday Soc. 66, 943-958, April (1970).
  17. “Compact Double Layer Effects in Small-Signal Electrical Response,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 87, 419-422(L), 10 March (1978).
  18. “Compact and Diffuse Double Layer Interaction in Unsupported System Small-Signal Response,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 99, 283-298, 8 June (1979).
  19. “Lattice Gas Model of the Ionic Diffuse Double Layer,” J. Chem. Phys. 75, 3155-3157, 15 Sept. (1981).
  20. “Some Lattice Gas Model Results for the Diffuse Double Layer,” (with S.W. Kenkel and S.H. Liu), Symposium on the Double Layer; Extended Abstracts, 161st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Montreal, Canada, 12 May 1982: Vol. 82-1, pp. 1045-1046.
  21. “Layered Lattice Gas Model for the Metal-Electrolyte Interface, Surf. Sci. 116, 135-147, April (1), (1982).
  22. “Lattice Gas Model of the Electrical Double Layer with Finite Length Dipoles,” (with S.W. Kenkel), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 27, 750(A), September (1982).
  23. “An Iterated Three-Layer Model of the Double Layer with Permanent Dipoles,” (with S.H. Liu), Surf. Sci. 125, 653-678, 1 March (1983).
  24. “A New Layered Lattice Gas Model of the Electrical Double Layer,” (with S.W. Kenkel), 50th Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Columbia, S.C., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 140(A), November (1983).
  25. “A Finite-Length-Dipole Model of the Double Layer in Polar, Polarizable Materials,” (with S.W. Kenkel), J. Chem. Phys. 80, 2168-2182, 1 March (1984).
  26. “A Lattice Model for the Electrical Double Layer using Finite-Length Dipoles,” (with S.W. Kenkel), J. Chem. Phys. 81, 3215-3221, 1 October (1984).
  27. “Comparison of Two Recent Approaches Towards a Unified Theory of the Electrical Double Layer,” (with S.W. Kenkel), Electrochim. Acta 30, 823-826, June (1985).
  28. “Comparison and Discussion of Some Theories of the Equilibrium Double Layer in Liquid Electrolytes,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 223 1-23, 25 May (1987).
  29. “Impedance Spectroscopy and the Double Layer in Solids and Liquids,” Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conferences on Chemical Research, XXX. Advances in Electrochemistry. 3-5 November (1986), pp. 7-87.


Frequency-response theory

  1. “Theory of ac Space-Charge Polarization Effects in Photoconductors, Semiconductors, and Electrolytes,” Phys. Rev. 92, 4-17, October 1 (1953). Theoretical.
  2. “Double Layer Capacitance and Relaxation in Electrolytes and Solids,” Trans. Faraday Soc. 66, 943-958, April (1970).
  3. “Theory of Space-charge Polarization and Electrode-discharge Effects,” J. Chem. Phys. 58, 4982-5001, 1 June (1973); 60, 343 (correction), 1 January (1974).
  4. “Binary Electrolyte Small-Signal Frequency Response,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 53, 1-55, 10 June (1974).
  5. “Simplified Impedance/Frequency-Response Results for Intrinsically Conducting Solids and Liquids,” J. Chem. Phys. 61, 3977-3996, 15 November (1974).
  6. “Electrode Kinetics, Equivalent Circuits, and System Characterization: Small-Signal Conditions,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 82, 271-301, 9 September (1977).
  7. “Theory of Small-signal AC Response of Solids and Liquids with Recombining Mobile Charge,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Chem. Phys. 68, 1614-1637, 15 February (1978).
  8. “Compact and Diffuse Double Layer Interaction in Unsupported System Small-Signal Response,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 99, 283-298, 8 June (1979).
  9. “Analysis of dispersed, conducting-system frequency-response data, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 197, 83-110, May (1996). Erratum: 204, 309 (1996). In addition, in Eq. (A2) GD should be GCD.
  10. “Re-evaluation of a Coulomb-fluctuation frequency-response model for disordered conductors,” Phys. Lett. A, 220, 351-360, 16 September (1996).
  11. “Accurate fitting of immittance spectroscopy frequency-response data using the stretched exponential model,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 212, 95-116, 1 June (1997). The symbol “sigma” should be removed from the right end of Eq. (12).
  12. “Limiting electrical response of conductive and dielectric systems, stretched-exponential behavior, and discrimination between fitting models,” J. Appl. Phys. 82, 3962-3971, 15 October (1997).
  13. “The Ngai coupling model of relaxtion: generalizations, alternatives, and their use in the analysis of non-Arrhenius conductivity in glassy, fast-ionic materials,” J. Appl. Phys. 84, 812-827, 15 July (1998).



  1. “Concentration Dependence of Differential Capacity in Electrolytes at the Electrocapillarity Maximum,” J. Chem. Phys. 22, 763(L), April (1954); 22, 1471 (printing correction), August (1954). Theoretical.
  2. “Exact Solution of the Debye-Huckel Equations for a Polarized Electrode,” (with M.K. Brachman), J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1314-1316, August (1954). Theoretical.
  3. “Differential Capacitance in Electrolytes,” J. Chem. Phys. 25, 364(L), August (1956). Theoretical.
  4. “Equivalent Circuits for Electrochemical Cells Containing an Indifferent Electrolyte — Response to Comments by R.D. Armstrong,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 40, 440-443(L), December (1972).
  5. “Equivalent Circuits for the Binary Electrolyte in the Warburg Region,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 47, 182- 189(L), 25 September (1973); 49, 160 (correction), 2 January (1974).
  6. “Comments on Some Papers of R.D. Armstrong et al.,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 66, 143-147, 10 December (1975).
  7. “Complex Rate Constant for an Electrochemical System Involving an Adsorbed Intermediate,” J. Electroanal. Chem. 70, 17-26, 25 May (1976).
  8. “Electrode Reaction Kinetics as a Boundary Value Problem,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 425(A), March (1977).
  9. “Charge Transfer and Adsorption Kinetics of Electrode Reactions in Unsupported Electrolytes,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), Abstracts of Papers presented at the 173rd meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, La., 24 March 1977, COLL-126.
  10. “Numerical Analysis of Electrical Response: Biased Small-Signal A.C. Response for Systems with One or Two Blocking Electrodes,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 100, 583-605, June/July (1979).
  11. “Diffusion of Neutral and Charged Species under Small-Signal A.C. Conditions,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 101, 307-316, 24 August (l979).
  12. “Coupling of Electrode Kinetics and Space Charge Dynamics in Unsupported Systems,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), Proc. Third Symposium on Electrode Processes, Boston, Mass., 7 May 1979; S. Bruckenstein, J.D.E. McIntyre, B. Miller, and E. Yeager, Editors; The Electrochemical Society, 1980 Proceedings Vol. 80- 3; pp. 94-114.
  13. “Electrochemistry,” (with D.R. Franceschetti) in Encyclopedia of Physics, R.G. Lerner and G.L. Trigg, Editors, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, 1981; pp. 222-224.
  14. “Pseudo Reaction Rate in the AC Response of an Electrolytic Cell,” (with C.A. Hull), J. Electroanal. Chem. 165, 9-20, 10 May (1984).
  15. “Small-Signal AC Response of an Electrochemical Cell with Completely Blocking Electrodes,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 135, 2274-2279, September (1988). Below Eq. A-1, in  γj replace θj2 by θj, and on p. 2279 in  t1 replace ψ by  ψ  .
  16. “Alternatives to Kronig-Kramers Transformation and Testing, and Estimation of Distributions,” (with B.A. Boukamp), Solid State Ionics 74, 85-101, December (1994).


Solid electrolytes, Interface effects

  1. “Comment on the Small-Signal AC Response of Solid Electrolytes,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), Phys. Status Solidi (a) 43, K169-K173(L), October (1977).
  2. “Interfacial Phenomena of beta-PbF2, ” (with J. Schoonman, A. Wolfert, and D. R. Franceschetti), in “Reactivity in Solids,” Wageningen, The Netherlands, 14-15 January 1980; 12-13(A).
  3. “On the Coupling of Interfacial Charge Transfer and Bulk Transport in Ionic Crystals,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), Solid State Comm. 34, 713-716, May (1980).
  4. “Interfacial Phenomena of Some Fluorites,” (with J. Schoonman, L.J. Stil, and D.R. Franceschetti), Third International Meeting on Solid Electrolytes – Solid State Ionics and Galvanic Cells, 15-19 September 1980, Tokyo; paper C102(A). See No. 142.
  5. “Interfacial Space Charge and Capacitance,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and A.P. Lehnen), Proc. Symposium on Ion Exchange: Transport and Interfacial Properties, Hollywood, Fla., 7 October 1980; R.S. Yeo and R.P. Buck, Editors; The Electrochemical Society, 1981 Proceedings Vol. 81-2; pp. 124-126.
  6. “Interface Effects in the Electrical Response of Non-metallic Conducting Solids and Liquids,” Whitehead Memorial Lecture, in 1980 Annual Report, 49th Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, National Academy of Sciences, 27 October 1980, pp. 3-49. Reprinted with corrections in IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation EI-16, 65-82, April (1981).
  7. “Impurity Oxygen Transport in beta-PbF2, ” (with D.R. Franceschetti and J. Schoonman), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 26, 269(A), March (1981).
  8. “Interfacial Phenomena of Some Fluorites,” (with J. Schoonman, L.J. Stil, and D.R. Franceschetti), Solid State Ionics 3/4, 365-371, August (1981).
  9. “The Small-Signal A.C. Response of beta-PBF2, ” (with D.R. Franceschetti and J. Schoonman), Solid State Ionics, 5, 617-620, October (1981). Also published in Fast Ionic Transport in Solids, Proc. Int. Conf. on Fast Ionic Transport in Solids, Gatlinburg, TN., 18-22 May 1981; J.B. Bates and G.C. Farrington, Editors, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1981.
  10. “Analysis of Hydrogen-Doped Lithium Nitride Admittance Data,” (with A. Hooper and A.P. Lehnen), Solid State Ionics 6, 65-77, February (1982).
  11. “A New Analysis and Interpretation of Low-Temperature Impedance Data for Na beta-Alumina,” (with G.B. Cook), 50th Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Columbia, S. C., 5 November 1983; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 29, 140(A), November (1983).
  12. “Analysis of Impedance Data for Single Crystal Na beta-Alumina at Low Temperatures,” (with G.B. Cook), J. Electroanal. Chem. 168, 335-354 (1984). Presented at the Sixth Australian Electrochemistry Conference, Geelong, February (1984).
  13. “Reply to Comments by Almond and West on Na beta-alumina Immittance Data Analysis,” (with G.B. Cook), J. Electroanal. Chem. 193, 57-74, 1 October (1985).
  14. “Comparison and Application of Two Methods for the Least Squares Analysis of Immittance Data,” Solid State Ionics 58, 97-107, November (1992).


  1. “An AC Cathode-Follower Circuit of Very High Input Impedance,” Rev. Sci. Inst. 25, 144-147, February (1954). Experimental.
  2. “The Calibration of Amplitude Modulation Meters with a Heterodyne Signal,” Proc. I.R.E. 42, 1515- 1518, October (1954). Theoretical.
  3. “The Charging and Discharging of Nonlinear Capacitors,” (with M.K. Brachman), Proc. I.R.E. 43, 71- 78, January (1955); 43, 741 (correction), June (1955). Theoretical.
  4. “Tuning of a Rectangular Parallelopiped Cavity Resonator with a Circular Metallic Post,” Rev. Sci. Inst. 26, 433-434, May (1955). Theoretical.
  5. “Active-Error Feedback and its Application to a Specific Driver Circuit,” Proc. I.R.E. 43, 808-813, July (1955). Theoretical and experimental. See also: Instruments and Automation 28, 1938, November (1955). Also: Letter-to-the-editor, Wireless World 79, 295, June (1973).
  6. “A Multi-Loop, Self-Balancing Power Amplifier,” I.R.E. Trans. on Audio AU-3, 92-107, July-August (1955). Experimental. See also Instruments and Automation 29, 288, February (1956). I.R.E. P.G.A. Senior Paper Award, 1957.
  7. “An Exponential-Process Analyzer and Synthesizer,” Proc. of Nat. Simulation Conf., Vol. 1, p. 29.1, January 21 (1956). Experimental.
  8. “An Electrical Analogue for Analysis of Tracer Distribution Kinetics in Biological Systems,” (with E.G. Perry, L.L. Madison, and D.W. Seldin), Radiation Research 6, 585-60l, May (1957). Experimental.
  9. “Some Augmented Cathode Follower Circuits,” I.R.E. Trans. on Audio AU-5, 63-70, May-June (1957). Experimental.
  10. “New Integrating Circuit and Electrical Analog for Transient Diffusion and Flow,” Rev. Sci. Inst. 28, 924-926, November (1957). Experimental and theoretical.
  11. “Active, Adjustable Audio Band-Pass Filter,” Jour. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29, 1348-1356, December (1957). Experimental and theoretical.
  12. “On Making Accurate Measurements with a Harmonic Distortion Meter,” I.R.E. Trans. on Audio AU-5, l60-161, November-December (1957). Theoretical.
  13. “Active Bandpass Filter has Sharp Cutoff,” Electronics 31, 84-87, August 15 (1958). Experimental and theoretical. Shortened version of  No. 11 above.
  14. “Nonlinear Distortion Reduction by Complementary Distortion,” I.R.E. Trans. on Audio AU-7, 128-133, September-October (1959). Theoretical.
  15. “Reply to Comments on ‘Nonlinear Distortion Reduction by Complementary Distortion’,” I.R.E. Trans. on Audio AU-8, 104-105, May-June (1960).
  16. “More on Nonlinear Distortion Correction,” I.R.E. Trans. on Audio AU-9, 103-105 July-August (196l). See also: dB, 13, 2,4, November (1979); 14, 6,8, April (1980); and 14, 6,7, December (1980).
  17. “Better Tape Head Azimuth Adjustment,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), db 7, 34-37, March (1973).
  18. “Optoisolator Initializes Signal-averaging Circuit,” Electronics 52, 121(L), 15 March (1979).
  19. “Comments on ‘Computer-Aided Loudspeaker System Design, Part l: Synthesis Using Optimization Techniques’,” J. Audio Eng. Soc. 27, 300(L), April (1979).


  1. “Some Simple Isothermal Equations of State,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 38, 669-679, October (1966).
  2. “Comparison of Some Equations of State,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14, 393(A), March (1969).
  3. “Review of Some Experimental and Analytical Equations of State,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 41, 316-349, April (1969).
  4. “Discrimination Between Equations of State,” (with D.R. Powell), J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 75A, 441-453, September-October (197l).
  5. “Reconsideration of an Experiment on Water under Negative Pressure,” J. Chem. Phys. 57, 3793-3802, l November (1972).


  1. “Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements on Stressed Thin Nickel Films,” Phys. Rev. 81, 312(A), January 15 (195l). Experimental.
  2. “Measurements of the Stress in Nickel Films with a New Oscillation Magnetometer,” Phys. Rev. 81, 329(A), January 15 (195l). Experimental.
  3. “An Oscillation Type Magnetometer,” (with J.H.E. Griffiths), Jour. Sci. Inst. 28, 56-57, February (1951). Theoretical and experimental.
  4. “Ferromagnetic Resonance and the Internal Field in Ferromagnetic Materials,” Proc. Phys. Soc. A64, 968-983, November (1951). Theoretical.
  5. “Spin Exchange Effects in Ferromagnetic Resonance,” Phys. Rev. 103, 280-286, July 15 (1956). Theoretical.
  6. “Stress in Evaporated Ferromagnetic Films,” Phys. Rev. 106, 890-892, June 1 (1957). Experimental.
  7. “Magnetic Anisotropy Measurement with an Oscillation Magnetometer,” Brit. Jour. Appl. Phys. 9, 116-119, March (1958). Theoretical.


  1. “Modifications of the Lomnitz-Jeffreys’ Law of Creep,” J. Appl. Phys. 30, 453-454(L), March (1959). Theoretical.
  2. “Rayleigh-Wave Dissipation Functions in Low-Loss Media,” Geophys. J. of the Roy. Astronomical Soc. 2, 132-135, June (1959). Theoretical.
  3. “Theorie et Applications de Certaines Fonctions Lineaires D’Attenuation,” (with C. Lomnitz), Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 41, 576(A), December, 1960. Report of paper presented at the Twelfth General Assembly, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Helsinki, Finland, 2 August 1960.
  4. “Theory and Application of a Superposition Model of Internal Friction and Creep,” J. Appl. Phys. 32, 2385-2398, November (1961).
  5. “Comment on the Paper, ‘Complex Modulus of a Cohesive Soil from Stress Relaxation Response Using the One-Sided Fourier Transform,'” J. Appl. Phys. 37, 3636(L), August (1966).
  6. “Energy Dissipation and Attenuation Under High-Loss Conditions,” Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 17, 1347- 1354, October (1966).



  1. “Dielectric Dispersion In Materials Having a Distribution of Relaxation Times,” J. Chem. Phys. 20, 1107-1111, July (1952). Theoretical.
  2. “Relaxation-Time Distribution Functions for a Thermally Activated Process,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 6, 449(A), November (1961).
  3. “Restriction on the Form of Relaxation-Time Distribution Functions for a Thermally Activated Process, “J. Chem. Phys. 36, 345-349, January 15 (1962).
  4. “Some Statistical Aspects of Relaxation-Time Distributions,” Physica 28, 485-492, May (1962).
  5. “Transient and Temperature Response of a Distributed, Thermally Activated System,” J. Appl. Phys. 34, 538-552, March (1963).
  6. “Response of a Distributed, Thermally Activated System,” Annual Meeting, Society of Rheology, 29 October 1962, Baltimore, Md.: Trans. Soc. Rheology 7, 411-412(A) (1963).
  7. “Frequency Response of Unified Dielectric and Conductive Systems Involving an Exponential Distribution of Activation Energies,” J. Appl. Phys. 58, 1955-1970, 1 September (1985).
  8. “Generalizations of ‘Universal Dielectric Response’ and a General Distribution-of-Activation-Energies Model for Dielectric and Conductive Systems,” J. Appl. Phys. 58, 1971-1978, 1 September (1985).
  9. “Relaxation in Systems with Exponential or Gaussian Distributions of Activation Energies,” J. Appl. Phys. 61, 700-713, 15 January (1987).
  10. “Linear Relaxation: Distributions, Thermal Activation, Structure, and Ambiquity,” J. Appl. Phys. 62, R51-R62, 1 December (1987).
  11. “Response of Systems with Gaussian or Exponential Energy Distributions,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 135, 3067-3068, December (1988).
  12. “Distributed Relaxation Response for Two Classes of Material Temperature Behavior, phys. stat. sol. (6) 176, 275-289 (1993).
  13. “The Response of Systems with Exponential Distributions of Activation Energies for Two Classes of Material Temperature Behavior”, (with J.C. Wang), Solid State Ionics 60, 319-333, April (1993).
  14. “Alternatives to Kronig-Kramers Transformation and Testing, and Estimation of Distributions,” (with B.A. Boukamp), Solid State Ionics 74, 85-101, December (1994).
  15. “Exact and Approximate Nonlinear Least Squares Inversion of Dielectric Relaxation Spectra,” J. Chem. Phys. 102, 6241-6250, 15 April (1995).
  16. “Solution of an impossible’ diffusion-inversion problem,” Computers in Physics. 9, 546- 553, Sept./Oct. (1995).
  17. “Analysis of dispersed, conducting-system frequency-response data, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 197, 83-110, May (1996).  Erratum: ibid 204, 309 (1996).
  18. “Analysis of Immittance Spectroscopy Data: Model Comparisons, Universality?, and Estimation of Distributions of Activation Energies,” in Electrically Based Microstructural Characterization, Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 411, Fall Meeting 1995, Boston, MA (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1996).
  19. “Re-evaluation of a Coulomb-fluctuation frequency-response model for disordered conductors, Phys. Lett. A 220, 351-360, 16 September (1996).
  20. “On the transformation of colored random noise by the Kronig-Kramers integral transforms,” (with V. I. Piterbarg), J. Electroanal. Chem. 428, 1-9, 15 May (1997).
  21. “Comparison of parametric and nonparametric methods for the analysis and inversion of immittance data: critique of earlier work,” J. Comput. Phys. 157, 280-301, January 1 (2000).
  22. “On relaxation-spectrum estimation for decades of data: accuracy and sampling-localization considerations,” Inverse Problems 16, 1561-1583, October (2000).
  23. “Comparison of methods for estimating continuous distributions of relaxation times,” (with E. Tuncer), J. Appl. Phys. 99, 074106-1-4, 1 April (2006).
  24. “Deconvolution of immittance data: Some old and new methods (with E. Tuncer ). J. Electroanal. Chem. 602, 255-262, 15 April (2007).



  1. “Relaxation-Time Distribution Functions and the Kramers-Kronig Relations,” (with M.K. Brachman), Physica 20, 1266-1270, December (1954). Theoretical.
  2. “Some New Linear-System Integral Transform Relations,” (with M.K. Brachman), Phys. Rev. 100, 966(A), November 1 (1955). Theoretical.
  3. “Generalized Immittance Kernels and the Kronig-Kramers Relations” (with M.K. Brachman), Physica 22, 141-148, March (1956). Theoretical.
  4. “Physical Realizability Conditions,” (with M.K. Brachman), Physica 22, 670(L), August (1956). Theoretical.
  5. “Linear-System Integral Transform Relations,” (with M. K. Brachman), Rev. Mod. Phys. 28, 393-422, October (1956). Theoretical and review.
  6. “Exact Solution of a Time-Varying Capacitance Problem,” (with D.E. Edmondson), Proc. I.R.E. 49, 453-466, February (1961). Theoretical.
  7. “Relaxation, Retardation, and Superposition,” (with C.A. Barlow, Jr.), Rev. Mod. Phys. 35, 940-946, October (1963).
  8. “Analysis of dispersed, conducting-system frequency-response data, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 197, 83-110, May (1996).


  1. “Microwave Spectrograph,” Frontier 15, 4-7, 15-16, December (1952). Review.
  2. “AC Hall and Magnetoresistive Effects in Photoconducting Alkali Halides,” (with J.E. Robinson), Phys. Rev. 95, 44-50, July 1 (1954). Experimental and theoretical.
  3. “Radiosulphate as a Measure of Extracellular Volume in Edematous States,” (with L.L. Madison, H.C. Teng, D.W. Seldin, and A.F. Reid), Clinical Res. Proc. 3, 126(A), April (1955). Experimental.
  4. “Evaluation of Radiosulphate as a Measure of Extracellular Volume in Edematous Patients,” (with L.L. Madison, H.C. Teng, D.W. Seldin, and A.F. Reid), Am. Jour. of Med. 19, 147(A), July (1955). Experimental.
  5. “Photocapacitance Effects in Additively Colored Alkali Halide Crystals,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 21, 313-315, December (1961).
  6. “Thermal Activation Relations,” J. Chem. Phys. 40, 1792-1804, April 1 (1964).
  7. “Electric Field Penetration into Metals,” J. Appl. Phys. 35, 3053-3054(L), October (1964).
  8. “Comment on ‘Theory and Analyses of the A.C. Characteristics of Defect Thin Film Insulators,'” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Appl. Phys. 47, 4222(L), September (1976).
  9. “On the Mean Separation of Particles of Finite Size in One to Three Dimensions,” Mol. Phys. 44, 1043-1049, December (1981).
  10. “Finite Length Effects in a Lattice Gas Treatment of an Ionic Crystal having Frenkel or Schottky Disorder,” (with A.P. Lehnen), Crystal Lattice Defects 9, 149-165, February (1982).
  11. “Nearest-Neighbor Distribution Functions for Impenetrable Particles in one to three Dimensions,” J. Phys. Chem. 96, 3861-3864, 30 April (1992).
  12. “Nearest-neighbor distribution functions and mean separation for impenetrable particles in one to three dimensions,” Phys. Rev. A 46, R2988-R2991, 15 September (1992).
  13. “Analysis of TbZn resistivity temperature derivative above the Curie point using singular fitting equations,” (with M. Ausloos), Physica A 242, 150-160, 1 August (1997).


  1. “Polarization Capacitance Effects in Photoconductors and Semiconductors,” Phys. Rev. 90, 364(A), April 15 (1953). Experimental.
  2. “Theory of ac Space-Charge Polarization Effects in Photoconductors, Semiconductors, and Electrolytes,” Phys. Rev. 92, 4-17, October 1 (1953). Theoretical.
  3. “Solution of a Transistor Transient Response Problem,” I.R.E. Trans. on Circuit Theory, CT-3, 54-57, March (1956). Theoretical.
  4. “Checking DC Parameters of Transistors,” (with M.E. Jones), Electronic Industries and Tele- Tech 15, 56-58, 82-90, October (1956). Experimental.
  5. “Prediction of Semiconductor Surface Response to Ambients by Use of Lewis Acid-Base Theory,” (with C.G. Peattie), Proc. I.R.E. 45, 1292(L), September (1957); 45, 1492 (printing correction), November (1957). Theoretical.
  6. “Accurate Solution of an Idealized One-Carrier Metal-Semiconductor Junction Problem,” Solid-State Electronics 5, 11-37, January-February (1962).


  1. “Theory of ac Space-Charge Polarization Effects in Photoconductors, Semiconductors, and Electrolytes,” Phys. Rev. 92, 4-17, October 1 (1953). Theoretical.
  2. “Static Space-Charge Effects in the Diffuse Double Layer,” J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1317-1322, August (1954). Theoretical.
  3. “Space-Charge Effects in Photoconducting Phosphors,” Symp. on Electroluminescence and Photoconduction of the Polytech. Inst. of Brooklyn, Extended Abstracts, p. 27, September 10 (1955). Theoretical and experimental.
  4. “Note on Theories of Time-Varying Space-Charge Polarization,” J. Chem. Phys. 23, 2308- 2309, December (1955). Theoretical.
  5. “Blocking-Electrode Static Space-Charge Distributions,” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II 3, 218(A), May 1 (1958). Theoretical.
  6. “Static Space Charge and Capacitance for a Single Blocking Electrode,” J. Chem. Phys. 29, 1346-1358, December (1958). Theoretical.
  7. “Static Space Charge and Capacitance for Two Blocking Electrodes,” J. Chem. Phys. 30, 806-816, March (1959). Theoretical.
  8. “Static Space-Charge Distributions,” Chapter in Solid State Physics in Electronics and Telecommunications. Proceedings of International Conference, Brussels, 6 June 1958; Academic Press, London, 1960; pp. 389-406. An early, less complete version of Nos. 6 and 7.
  9. “Space-Charge Capacitors for Parametric Amplifiers,” Proc. I.R.E. 48, 1483-1485(L), August (1960). Theoretical.
  10. “Distribution of Space Charge in Homogeneous Metal Oxide Films and Semiconductors,” J. Chem. Phys. 40, 3735-3737(L), June 15 (1964).
  11. “Electrical Response of Materials Containing Space Charge with Discharge at the Electrodes,” J. Chem. Phys. 54, 2026-2050, 1 March (197l); 56, 681 (correction), 1 January (1972).
  12. “Comment on “Comments on ‘Equilibrium space-charge distributions in semiconductors,'”” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 5, L82, September (1972).
  13. “Theory of Space-charge Polarization and Electrode-discharge Effects,” J. Chem. Phys. 58, 4982-5001, 1 June (1973); 60, 343 (correction), 1 January (1974).
  14. “Space Charge in Silver Halides — Theory of Surface and Electrode Charge,” J. Appl. Phys. 45, 73-81, January (1974).
  15. “Some AC Response Results for Solids with Recombining Space Charge,” J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 7, L327-L331, 7 September (1974); 8, L63 (correction), 21 February (1975).
  16. “Space Charge Polarisation,” chapter in Electrode Processes in Solid State Ionics, M. Kleitz and J. Dupuy, Editors; D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht-Holland, 1976; pp. 149-180.
  17. “Electrical Response of Materials with Recombining Space Charge,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and R. Meaudre), J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 10, 1459-1471, 14 May (1977).
  18. “Numerical Analysis of Electrical Response: Statics and Dynamics of Space-Charge Regions at Blocking Electrodes,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Appl. Phys. 50, 291-302, January (1979).
  19. “Numerical Analysis of Electrical Response: Biased Small-Signal A.C. Response for Systems with One or Two Blocking Electrodes,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), J. Electroanal. Chem. 100, 583-605, June/July (1979).
  20. “Coupling of Electrode Kinetics and Space Charge Dynamics in Unsupported Systems,” (with D.R. Franceschetti), Proc. Third Symposium on Electrode Processes, Boston, Mass., 7 May 1979; S. Bruckenstein, J.D.E. McIntyre, B. Miller, and E. Yeager, Editors; The Electrochemical Society, 1980 Proceedings Vol. 80-3; pp. 94-114.
  21. “Interfacial Space Charge and Capacitance,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and A.P. Lehnen), Proc. Symposium on Ion Exchange: Transport and Interfacial Properties, Hollywood, Fla., 7 October 1980; R.S. Yeo and R.P. Buck, Editors; The Electrochemical Society, 1981 Proceedings Vol. 81-2; pp. 124-126.
  22. “Interfacial Space Charge and Capacitance in Ionic Crystals: Intrinsic Conductors,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and A.P. Lehnen), J. Chem. Phys. 73, 5272-5293, 15 November (1980).
  23. “Interacting Lattice Gas Approaches to Space Charge Distributions,” (with D.R. Franceschetti and A.P. Lehnen), Solid State Ionics 5, 105-108, October (1981). Also published in Fast Ionic Transport in Solids, Proc. Int. Conf. on Fast Ionic Transport in Solids, Gatlinburg, TN., 18-22 May 1981; J.B. Bates and G.C. Farrington, Editors, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1981.
  24. “Mean Field Effects in a Lattice Gas Model of Ionic Space Charge,” (with A.P. Lehnen and D.R. Franceschetti), J. Phys. Chem. Solids 43, 39-44, January (1982).